Saturday, February 11, 2023

In the meanwhile

When we are busy in our mundane daily chores then many things happen which sometimes effect us directly or indirectly or may effect when we are gone.
Right now a supernova will be exploding and creating another universe about which we have no knowledge. Our earth came into being due to some supernova exploding sending out intense heat to the circling gas and dust.
Out of the 200 billion trillion stars some will be dying down or will get sucked in black hole. When we look up we see stars twhich are many many light-years away. So the star which we see now in reality may not be there. Or to put it another way if theoretically we are on one of those faraway star then may be we will be watching earth of 100,200,300 years back,a kind of time travel.
Coming back on earth the Chinese will be busy in sending balloons to rattle the world. As such that country is pioneer in building all kind of balloons. That reminds during our school days we too made hot air balloons with old newspaper in Delhi. It required only a constant fire at the center of the wire bottom frame. We would climb up on the roof of our 95 block of chummery  taking that paper cylinder might be of 2 feet diameter, light the wick and wait for the air to get heated up and then release our creation. It will trudge up and would slowly gain height.
The albatross will be flying over seas in their relentless flight without sleeping or coming down. It seems their half brain goes to sleep and the other half keeps navigating them. I am not sure whether on flight as a group they communicate with each other signaling that his or her half brain is sleeping. Coming to sleep my recent attention is on my sleeping pattern. As I am getting older stopped getting straight sleep of 6 or 7 hours,now I sleep in installments. First 90 minutes REM (rapid eye movement). Yes that's the sleep which is the deepest. I remember we had a junior in our hostel in IIT,Kharagpur, some chatterjee when he was in this kind of deep sleep we lifted his bed with him and kept the bed in the common bathroom! Rest I leave to the imagination of readers.
I am told that Corona like virus will keep on visiting us so we have to be on guard all the times. Many of the people are still wearing mask,I too keep one handy in my pocket but don't put that on.
The other day I read in the paper that many suffered 100 days cough disease , I think I got that, when I look around then I notice people coughing is common. I think it's more to do with the level of AQI ( air quality index) going up. In winter Delhi's AQI level becomes the talking point forgetting that it's a very common problem of all the metros,  stubble burning or not it's there. All those vehicles on the road spewing poisonous gas and ambient being low the gases remain at lower level.
Now a days the unknown callers to my mobile has increased. I have to be alert ,there have been attemp to hack my account, for 10 days I kept my account inactive and got my debit card canceled. With increasing age,declining memory keeping oneself mentally alert is quite a job.
In the meanwhile .......will come back with some more in future


Sabyasachi Chowdhury said...

Good read Sir. It covers a wide range of things in the universe which may affect our life. Most important, I thing, is how we can remain unaffected from declining memory in old age. Wish you remain alert & agile and enlighten us with food for thought. 🙏

Sukhen Mukherjee said...

Very informative. Wishing you physically and mentally agile always.

G G Subhedar said...

This is a new way to revisit the issues, memories et el.. Very well captured... 👍👍

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Sabyasachi,Sukhen and Subhedar for your comments 1

विजय जोशी said...

Sir, it's yet another creative contribution. Super analogy and imagination connecting childhood memories to moden day innovations. Age is also a reality, but it's more a frame of mind. What matters is the spirit and you are full of this virtue.
My heartiest congratulations. With kindest regards 🙏🏽
- मैं भी यात्री तू भी यात्री चलती रुकती रेल
- अपने अपने गांव तक सबसे सबका मेल 👍🏾

Daisy C Bhalla said...

Remember the book 'Black hole' in school which made an interesting text book like this fiction embedded with pranks reality of college days. We too went overboard with the child in us full on!