Monday, July 26, 2021

Team building

Team building ……………………
. I looked up in Google about team building and came up with the followings: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – ... "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." – ... "Teamwork begins by building trust. ... "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." – I like the last one as it suggests by helping others to succeed we succeed. I consciously or unconsciously try to follow this. In fact, in each of my transfer I did not carry any team but adopted the people of the new place as my team. Did I say “ I Adopted”? It was the other way round slowly people started gathering around me and adopted me , thus a team was formed, I didn’t know their strength or weakness but by and by everyone started getting slotted. Have you ever noticed how a group of black kites (cheel) are flying together, circling in the sky without flapping their wings at one particular space. They just manipulate their wings to keep afloat at that particular region of the sky. What is the science behind it? That zone is the place where hot air is rising to the sky, that draft of air is supporting their weight and they simply adjust the wing angle as per the rising hot air current.These black kites know that hot air draft will not suddenly withdraw in the day time so they confidently float. A leader is one who keeps on creating upward thrust for the people around him by offering them goals matching with their aspiration.A leader keeps a close watch by way of encouragement to the team and when need be extends help.People who initially missed the sign they too get sucked in towards the leader. Thus it becomes an ever expanding sphere of influence with the leader at the center, a team is built where every employee got queued in, no one feels left out. Unfortunately weak leaders form coterie of faithful, those chosen few get the major portion of the reward .The majority consciously or unconsciously get repelled and stay away. To conclude, teamwork begins by building trust.


Sorabh Khurana said...

Indeed true sir...Like in any relationship, trust is the building block in formation of strong teams.
Regards : Sorabh khurana

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Sorabh!Yes,trust is the cornerstone of team building.

Bibhas said...

A nice post, indeed, on Team Building. Very interesting.
In fact, we can learn so many useful practices on life style from the nature. The example of the bird 'CHEEL' that you mentioned is one such. The flock of CHEELS (not many, 3 to 4) when they fly high up in the sky round and round in a particular fashion, not in same part of the sky, but they change the place following their leader, probably to cover a big are in the sky exploring availability of their eatables lying on the ground. While doing morning walk and free-hand exercise on the third roof top of our building I mark it every morning.

विजय जोशी said...

Best ever example of Leadership by creating a Team with mutual trust. You proved it very well all through Your service in general, but most in bhopal. That's the reason You are respected so much so even after two decades. Kind Regards

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Bibhash and Vijay for your comments.

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Wonderful post.
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