Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The Blame Game: Tales of Shrinking Clothes and Expanding Waistlines

In the chronicles of wardrobe woes, there exists a saga of epic proportions—a tale of deceit, denial, and the expanding waistlines that defy reason. It begins innocently enough, with a slight snugness in the shirt or a suspicious tussle with the trousers. But fear not, dear reader, for this is not a tale of mere weight gain; nay, it is a comedic odyssey of blaming everything but the real culprit—the runaway tummy.

Picture, if you will, our protagonist, blissfully unaware of the impending sartorial storm brewing beneath their belt. With each passing year, as the numbers on the scale creep higher, so too does the fabric tension in their once-beloved garments. But does our hero confront the truth? Oh, heavens no! Instead, they embark on a journey of absurd excuses and fantastical fabric theories.

Behold, the classic case of the cotton conspiracy! Our valiant protagonist, faced with a snug pair of trousers, points an accusatory finger at the innocent fabric, accusing it of nefarious shrinking schemes. "Surely," they proclaim, "it couldn't be my burgeoning belly encroaching upon precious real estate!"

And let us not forget the saga of the shirt size shuffle. As buttons strain and seams protest, our hero steadfastly refuses to acknowledge the undeniable truth. "Muscle gain!" they cry, attributing their newfound girth to Herculean feats of athleticism rather than the more plausible culprit—a penchant for pastries and sedentary Netflix binges.

But fear not, for every hero must face their reckoning. In a moment of clarity (or perhaps desperation), our protagonist confronts the dreaded reality of their expanding waistline. With determination in their heart and a measuring tape in hand, they embark on a quest to reclaim their former glory—or at least fit into those trousers from two holiday seasons ago.

And thus, the battle of the bulge wages on, with our hero vowing to vanquish the villainous spare tire once and for all. Will they emerge victorious, triumphant in their quest for a waistline of yore? Only time will tell, dear reader. But one thing is certain—no amount of cotton conspiracies or fabric fantasies can mask the undeniable truth of the runaway tummy.


G G Subhedar said...
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G G Subhedar said...

Enjoyable tale of that precious tummy, symbolic of a peaceful contended life... Only you could describe the churning of thoughts in a manner typical of you... 😊

samaranand's take said...

thanks dear Subhedar for liking the blog. The increasing tummy size has been my one such problem for which i could not find a solution :D

Shovabazar amit said...

The battle of the midlife bulge . Hahaa