Saturday, June 29, 2024

Nature's Guardian: The Magnetic Mystery Unveiled"

#### Characters:

- **Samaranand**: A wise and resourceful middle-aged man known for his calm demeanor and problem-solving skills. He lives in a quiet flat and has a keen interest in nature and birds.

- **Tiku**: A curious and observant ten-year-old boy who lives near the flat where Samaranand lives. He loves birds and often spends his time exploring the neighborhood.

- **The Villain**: A cruel and mischievous individual who derives pleasure from disturbing the peace of the birds by using a high-powered magnet.


In the quiet, tree-lined neighborhood where Samaranand and Tiku lived, the chirping of birds was a daily symphony. The large tree behind their flat was home to many nests, adding to the peaceful ambiance. Tiku, with his bright eyes and boundless curiosity, often observed the birds and admired their beauty. He adored Samaranand, a wise middle-aged man who was always ready with a story or a piece of advice.

One day, Tiku noticed something strange. The birds seemed agitated and disoriented, struggling to find their way back to their nests. He reported this to Samaranand. Samaranand advised him to keep watch of anything unnatural happening to make the birds disturbed !

Tiku decided to keep close watch from sunset when birds fly back to their nests. Hiding behind a bush, Tiku saw a man lurking near the tree with a high-powered magnet. The man's cruel grin sent chills down Tiku's spine as he watched the birds' confusion.

Rushing to Samaranand's flat, Tiku breathlessly recounted what he had seen. "Uncle, there's a man with a magnet! He's confusing the birds and laughing at them!"

Samaranand listened intently, his face growing stern. He understood the severity of the situation. "Let's observe him a bit more, Tiku. We need to know exactly what he's up to." 

Samaranand explained to Tiku that most of the birds have iron in their beak and that helps them to find their nest by using earth's magnetic field.Also they put in their mental map the surroundings like ponds,building etc to pin point their nest. That villainous fellow is trying to confuse the birds by that powerfull magnet.

Over the next few days, Tiku and Samaranand discreetly watched the villain. They saw him use the magnet to disturb the birds, deriving twisted pleasure from their distress. With enough evidence, Samaranand decided it was time to act.

"We'll give him a taste of his own medicine," Samaranand declared. They set up a magnet activated alarm as is used at airports and connected a hooter with that. The hooter was hidden in a nearby bush. They also positioned a hidden camera to capture his actions as evidence.

The next day, as the villain returned with his magnet the hooter gave out a loud sound. The rascal started running for his life. Samaranand and Tiku had a good laugh to see his predicament.

With the video in hand, Samaranand and Tiku confronted the villain. "We know what you've been doing," Samaranand said sternly, showing the recorded footage showing him approaching ,hooter blowing and his running with his tail between his legs. "Your actions have caused these birds unnecessary distress. It's time to stop."

The villain, faced with undeniable evidence and realizing he had been outsmarted, looked ashamed. "I... I didn't think it was such a big deal,being a man of science I was conducting experiment" he said lamely.

"If you want we too can do scientific experiment on you  by throwing sound blast in your flat,we have gadgets which can be targeted to you (they had in mind asking their IT expert Soumya to hack in Alexa and trigger loud music )

"It is a big deal," Tiku retorted, his voice firm. "These birds have a right to live in peace. If you don't stop, we'll report you to the authorities."

Shamed and defeated, the villain agreed to cease his malicious activities. Peace returned to the neighborhood as the birds settled back into their natural rhythm. Tiku was praised for his keen observations and bravery, while Samaranand reflected on the importance of protecting nature and standing up against cruelty.

In the meanwhile Samaranand called Soumya and asked him to hack that fellows Alexa and play loud chirping sound of bird for 5 minutes every night after 11 pm.Tiku collected the email id ,mobile number etc from the society office and passed that on to Soumya.

Tiku was asked to spy on him. He reported after 5 days that villain was complaining that his Alexa is behaving weirdly and he was not able to sleep so now he keeps it disconnected.Samaranand smiled and thought that fellow has been punished for his misdeeds. Soumya was asked to restore the Alexa to normal function. Tiku was told to discreetly tell that fellow that Alexa might have malfunctioned for sometimes as same problem happened to his Alexa too. Now it was working so he can too switch that on. 

The story ended on a heartwarming note, with Samaranand and Tiku sitting under the tree, watching the birds fluttering about, their bond strengthened by the adventure they had shared. The symphony of chirps resumed, more melodious than ever, in the serene neighborhood they called home.


G G Subhedar said...

Wonderful. A new and refreshing story.... Cheers...

विजय जोशी said...

This is called Shathe shathyam samacharet i.e. paying back in the same coin to such people. Wonderfully explained. Kind regards

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Subhedar and Vijay for your comment!

Sabyasachi Chowdhury said...

Nice story sir! It’s a science fiction, so nicely written with a detective’s imagination.

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Sabyasachi for your observation!