Thursday, June 20, 2024

The time warp

Santu often comes to me whenever he is in Kolkata. He teaches mathematics in a secondary school in his village.

That day he came with a big hamper of dry fruits ,with a big smile on his face he gifted that to me. I asked him," What is the occasion?"
He replied," I had a deadly experience which ultimately resulted in some monetary gain."
I could smell there was an interesting story, I nudged him to elaborate.
Santu's experience
The board exam of mathematics was over on 19th March. It took time to  deposite  the answer scripts collected from the invigilators to the strongroom, it became late,the sun had already set!I had a copy of the math's paper in my pocket.
As you know the school is located outside our village ,usually I walk down the 2 kilometres to my house in the village. It was late in the evening,the street lights were on.
As I walked alone through the darkness of the night , the only sound being the crunching of gravel beneath my feet, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The streetlights were few and far between, casting eerie shadows on the ground. I quickened my pace, but the sense of being followed only grew stronger.

I spun around, expecting to see someone lurking in the shadows, but there was no one there. The silence was oppressive, as if the darkness itself was alive and watching me. I took a deep breath and continued walking, trying to convince myself it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

But the feeling persisted. I could feel a presence around me, as if an unseen entity was hovering just out of sight. My skin crawled with goosebumps as I picked up my pace, my heart racing with every step.

I passed by the old abandoned house on the edge of the village, its windows like empty eyes staring back at me. I shuddered at the thought of something sinister lurking within its crumbling walls.

As I turned a corner, I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. I spun around again, but there was nothing there. The presence seemed to be closing in around me, suffocating me with an unseen force.

Suddenly, a cold breeze swept past me, sending shivers down my spine. I quickened my pace, my senses on high alert. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being led deeper into the darkness, further into the clutches of the unknown.

I knew I had to keep moving, to find my way back to the safety of my home. But the presence seemed to be growing stronger, as if it was waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I pushed on, my heart pounding in my chest, as I navigated the treacherous landscape of my own fear.My mind was playing all sorts of tricks but the atmosphere was abnormal!

I felt as though I was caught in the typhoon of darkness, it was trying to spin me off the ground. As though I was at the centre of a vortex. My mind went blank,I didn't know what happened!

In the morning I found myself lying in the paddy field,my elder brother's friends were surrounding me. They helped me to get up,they were going towards the rice mill which one of them owned. They had the newspaper of the day,from the corner of my eyes I looked at the date,it was of 18th March!
I have travelled back in time by a day. Then suddenly I remembered about the question paper of mathematics which was in my pocket. The board examination of Mathematics will be then on next day. I briefly explained my experience of the night,but they didn't believe me first but when I showed them the question paper  dated 19th March they were all stunned!
Then the mill owner Paltu's business mind worked in mischievous direction. We all went to his office and hatched the plan of selling the mathematics question paper which would come next day.He immediately got into action of zeroxing and contacting student leaders of various schools. We made a tidy sum, so the fruit hamper for you.
I was trying to analyse the strange time travel phenomena. He must have got caught in a wormhole,but mostly wormholes are extraterrestrial feature. I have read some article about wormholes phenomena in US,Canada, Australia etc where it had been observed the herds of cattles vanishing in thin air! Santu was lucky that he travelled back by a day,it could have been centuries!


G G Subhedar said...

Very unusual.. But very timely, 😊

विजय जोशी said...

Wormholes, a unique style. curiosity continued till end. Great indeed. Kind regards

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Subhedar and Vijay for your comment!