Sunday, June 09, 2024

Unseen messages often lead us to the heart of forgotten dreams and the kindness left behind

The driver Gopal reported to Samaranand that every day a new number written by chalk appears near his car in garrrage. He got curious and asked Gopal not to rub off the number. Gopal observed that the number automatically gets replaced by a new number of single digit appears. They put a CCTV but no one was found to come near the car.

10 digits were repeated, thinking that it could be mobile number and Babulal the trusted assistant was asked to find out about that mobile number.

Samaranand: Babulal, did you get any leads on the mobile number?

Babulal: No, sir. I couldn't trace it to anyone specific. It seems like a dead end.

Samaranand: Strange. And the CCTV footage still shows nothing?

Babulal: Exactly, sir. It's as if the numbers appear out of nowhere. No one goes near your car.

IT Expert (Soumya): Samaranand, have you considered that the numbers might be part of a pattern or code rather than a straightforward mobile number?

Samaranand: A code? That's an interesting angle, Soumya. What kind of code are we talking about?

Soumya: It could be anything from a cipher to a more complex sequence. Have you recorded the numbers?

Samaranand: Yes, here they are: 3, 7, 1, 4, 9, 2, 8, 0, 6, 5.

Soumya: Hmm, let me run some analysis on these. There might be a hidden message.

[After a few minutes]

Soumya: I've checked the numbers against various sequences and ciphers, but nothing concrete comes up. However, I did notice that these numbers don’t follow any simple mathematical patterns. They seem random but might have a different significance.

Samaranand: If it’s not a mathematical pattern or a direct code, what else could it be?

Soumya: It might be worth considering if these numbers have a symbolic or positional meaning. Perhaps they represent something when taken together.

Babulal: Maybe they’re coordinates or a reference to something?

Samaranand: Coordinates… or perhaps they could correspond to letters on a keypad. Let’s see… on a typical mobile keypad, 3 corresponds to 'D', 7 to 'P', 1 to no letter, 4 to 'G', 9 to 'W', 2 to 'A', 8 to 'T', 0 to a space, 6 to 'M', and 5 to 'J'.

Soumya: That’s worth checking. Let’s decode it.

[After decoding]

Samaranand: D-P- -G-W-A-T- -M-J. It still doesn’t make sense. Could it be a name or initials?

Babulal: Sir, what if we are overthinking this? What if the numbers are a simpler clue, like an address or an identifier?

Samaranand: That’s possible. Let’s cross-check these numbers with local identifiers, maybe postal codes or landmarks.

Soumya: I’ll check that. Give me a moment.

[After a brief search]

Soumya: I found something. There’s an old building with the identifier 37149 in a nearby area, and it used to be a community center. Maybe it has some connection?

Samaranand: Let’s investigate this place.

[They visit the old building]

Caretaker of the Building: Oh, you’re here about the numbers? We used to run a program for orphans and troubled kids. Each number was a part of a special sequence to help children remember a certain order. It's a teaching tool.

Samaranand: But why would these numbers be written near my car?

Caretaker: That’s odd. No one comes here anymore. However, we did have a volunteer named Ravi who recently passed away. He was very attached to these sequences.

Samaranand: Could Ravi’s spirit be trying to communicate with us?

Caretaker: Possibly. Ravi was very passionate about helping others. Maybe his spirit is trying to reach out for help or send a message through these numbers.

Soumya: If Ravi is trying to communicate, maybe he wants us to continue his work or solve something left unfinished.

Samaranand: Let's look into Ravi's work here and see if there's any unresolved matter.

[After thorough investigation, they find Ravi’s old notes and realize he was trying to set up a scholarship fund for the orphans.]

Samaranand: This must be it. He couldn’t finish setting up the fund, and he’s trying to get our attention to complete it.

Soumya: We should honor his memory by setting up this fund.

[They establish the scholarship fund in Ravi's name, and the mysterious numbers stop appearing near Samaranand's car.]

Samaranand: It seems we’ve solved the mystery. Sometimes, even from beyond, good souls try to reach out to make sure their unfinished business of kindness is completed.

Babulal: It’s amazing how everything made sense in the end. Ravi’s spirit can rest in peace now.

Samaranand: Yes, and we’ve learned that sometimes the answers are closer to home than we think, rooted in simple acts of kindness and unfinished dreams.


Shovabazar amit said...

Mind boggling

G G Subhedar said...


विजय जोशी said...

Amazing. Kindnesses is key to make life purposeful as brought in this blog. Kind regards

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Amit, Subhedar and Vijay for your comments!