Saturday, May 18, 2024

Amidst the wisdom of the banyan, aspirations take flight with every whispered leaf.

Father: Son, come sit beneath this ancient banyan tree. Let me impart some wisdom that may guide you in your journey through the corridors of power and success.

Son: Of course, Father. What wisdom do you wish to share with me today?

Father: Have you ever heard of the book "The Carpetbaggers" by Harold Robbins?

Son: Yes, I've heard of it. Isn't it a novel about ambition, power, and the cutthroat world of business?

Father: Indeed, it is. But beyond its narrative, lies a lesson in strategy and ambition. In the story, Jonas Cord, the protagonist, rises to power by strategically taking over responsibilities from his superiors.

Son: So, you're suggesting I follow a similar path?

Father: Not entirely. It's about understanding the nuances of power dynamics. You see, my son, ambition is not about simply climbing the ladder; it's about understanding when to seize opportunities and how to navigate the delicate balance of authority and influence.

Son: I see. But how do I go about doing that without stepping on toes or appearing too aggressive?

Father: Ah, that's where subtlety and tact come into play. You must learn to anticipate your boss's needs and excel in areas where they may fall short. By doing so, you position yourself as an invaluable asset, ready to step in when needed.

Son: But won't that make my boss feel threatened?

Father: Not if you handle it correctly. You must always give credit where it's due and never undermine your superior's authority. Remember, it's about collaboration, not competition.

Son: So, essentially, I should aim to be like Jonas Cord, but without the ruthlessness?

Father: Precisely. Learn from his ambition, his drive, but temper it with integrity and humility. And remember, success is not just about personal gain; it's about lifting others up along the way.

As the father imparts his wisdom, a crow swoops down, perching itself on a nearby branch, as if eavesdropping on their conversation.

Crow: Caw! Wisdom comes in many forms, young one. But remember, true power lies not in domination, but in harmony with the forces around you.

Son: Wise words, indeed. Thank you, venerable crow.

Father: Pay heed to the crow's advice, my son. Nature often holds the keys to our understanding of the world.

Son: I will, Father. Thank you for this enlightening conversation.

Father: Now, let us depart from beneath this banyan tree, carrying with us the lessons learned and the wisdom gained.

As they rise to leave, the crow takes flight, its caw echoing through the stillness of the afternoon, a reminder of the timeless wisdom that surrounds them.


Shovabazar amit said...

Nice lesson

विजय जोशी said...

A real great lesson on a value based working in life providing satisfaction to the inner self. Kind regards

G G Subhedar said...

Wonderful conceptualization of a key component of human behavior.... 👍

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Amit,Vijay and Subhedar for your comments!

Amaresh Chowdhury said...

Thanks Sir. Learnt a lot.

Samar Roy said...

Thanks Amaresh for liking the blog!