Saturday, May 04, 2024

Gathering with holographic friends: where nostalgia meets the future in my living room of memories

It was 2080, Ramaswamy Ayyenger was in his drawing room playing with his latest holographic TV in which he was playing a reengineered version of interactive The Big Bang Theory sitcom series,his favourite. He remembered fondly that when he was 10years old in 2023 when he had seen his father would watch it and enjoy the every episode. Since then AI has been evolving in breakneck speed. Now TV series have become interactive with the help of machine learning.His projected holographic figure can become part of the show. His randomly thrown questions would be picked by the characters like real live persons , they will respond.

As the holographic figures of the beloved characters from "The Big Bang Theory" filled Ram's drawing room, he couldn't contain his excitement. "Hey, guys, come on in! Make yourselves at home," he exclaimed, gesturing towards the holographic couch where he had settled himself.

Penny, her holographic image exuding warmth and charm, flashed Ram a playful smile. "Thanks for the invite, Ram. This is quite the setup you've got here," she remarked, eyeing the holographic surroundings with curiosity.

Ram, feeling a surge of nostalgia, couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to revisit some old memories and maybe even make some new ones," he replied, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.

As the conversation flowed, Ram's attention was drawn to Penny's holographic form. "You know, Penny, I always thought you added a special spark to the show. Mind if I join you on the couch?" he asked, extending a virtual hand in invitation.

Penny's holographic figure laughed, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Sure thing, Ram. But just so you know, I don't take up much space," she teased, settling herself comfortably beside him.

Ram couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, feeling a sense of camaraderie building between them. "So, Penny, what brings you here tonight?" he asked, genuinely curious about her holographic presence in his living room.

Penny shrugged, her holographic shoulders lifting in a casual gesture. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd drop by and see what all the fuss is about. Plus, the smell of butter chicken coming from your kitchen is making me hungry," she admitted, her holographic image looking around the room expectantly.

Raj, always eager to please, quickly jumped in. "Butter chicken, you say? Allow me to fetch some tandoori roti to go with it," he offered, his holographic form already halfway to the kitchen before anyone could protest.

Meanwhile, Sheldon, ever the stickler for accuracy, couldn't resist correcting Ram's pronunciation. "Actually, Ram, it's Archimedes' principle, not Archimedis. And yes, I'm well-versed in the concept of buoyancy and fluid displacement," he replied, his holographic image projecting an air of intellectual superiority.

Ram grinned sheepishly, feeling a flush of embarrassment at his mistake. "Thanks for the clarification, Sheldon. I'll be sure to remember that for next time," he replied, his holographic image nodding in acknowledgment.

Just then, Leonard's holographic form appeared in the doorway, a curious expression on his face. "Hey, what's going on in here? I heard there was a holographic party and I didn't want to miss out," he exclaimed, joining the group on the couch with a grin.

Ram greeted Leonard with a warm smile, gesturing for him to take a seat. "Welcome, Leonard! We were just discussing the finer points of Archimedes' principle and the merits of butter chicken," he explained, his holographic image leaning back comfortably against the cushions.

Leonard chuckled, settling himself beside Penny with a sense of familiarity. "Ah, sounds like I've missed quite the conversation. Mind if I jump in?" he asked, shooting Ram a playful glance.

Before anyone could respond, Howard's holographic form appeared out of nowhere, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Did someone say party? Count me in!" he exclaimed, plopping down on the couch with a sense of enthusiasm.

Ram couldn't help but laugh at Howard's sudden appearance, feeling a sense of joy at the sight of his favorite characters all gathered together in his living room. "Well, it looks like the gang's all here. Let the holographic party begin!" he declared, raising an imaginary toast to the group.

And as the laughter and banter filled the virtual room, Ram knew that this was a moment he would treasure forever. For in this holographic reunion with his favorite characters, he had found not only entertainment but also a sense of connection and belonging that transcended time and space.


Shovabazar amit said...

Binoculars for future

G G Subhedar said...

Refreshing, novel...

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Amit and Subhedar for your observation!

विजय जोशी said...

Very exciting like every time. Superb. Kind regards

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Vijay for your comment!