Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Russia and Russians as I know

Like all others I too look forward for the day when conflict between Russia and Ukraine will end.
I have been associated with Russians since my days in Indian Oil Corporation's Refinery at Barauni when Russia was Soviet Union or USSR in 1967 .That Refinery was built by Russians with aid thrown in. Russians had a separate 3 blocks as their hostel.
I remember our ceremonial football matches  against Russians after the 15th August flag hoisting.
We were evenly matched but as the refinery expansion work was petering out so during the  last  encounter they somehow cobbled up 11  players with the lady interpreter playing as goalkeeper. I was the captain of Indian side. Yes,that match we won but don't feel proud about it but appreciate their sporting spirit. Two Russian words used by the players during the match still ring in my ears "dabai" (give )and "khorosho"(good).
I must admit that Russians freely shared their engineering calculations.  There was a problem of tankage area not getting proper illumination from Tower lights,each tower had 6 flood lights of 1000 watt each. Though I got all bulbs replaced but still it was not adequate. I went to our archives and looked up illumination design of the plant and I could lay my hand on original calculations and settings. I corrected the solid angle of each of the flood light as per calculated setting, the problem got resolved. That gave me confidence that I can resolve any problem related with Electrical equipment because of those engineering documents.
Next I came across Russian designed 210 MW turbine and generator in BHEL. At one stage in 80s these 210 MW sets were the backbone of Indian grid. Again elaborate documentation helped to carry out repair and maintenance of these sets. I commissioned 5 such sets of LMZ at Singrauli Superthermal Power Station from 1982 to1984.
During my posting at Vizag Steel Plant from 1988 I again met whole lot of Russian experts and their families at Ukkunagaram, the township of steel plant .  They had a separate colony inside the township with shop and school. During that stay when  Russia disintegrated and those experts were totally dismayed about their nationalities. Overnight friends became foe. Their passports became invalid because Russia was fragmented. Suddenly the usual cheerful Russians became grumpy as their future was uncertain. By 1991 December Russia finally became many countries.
I had visited both Russia and Ukraine in 2003 ,I still remember visiting World Famous art museum Hermitage in St Petersburg, standing on the Red Square in Moscow.  I also enjoyed a show of circus in Moscow, they have permanent hall for circus. I still remember the breathtaking acrobatics by Russian gymnasts.
We visited LMZ turbine factory on the right bank of river Neva in St Petersburg.Steam turbines have been produced here since 1907 when the company was licensed to build French Rateau turbines. At the same time it began to build gun turrets, gun mountings and torpedo tubes. It was like our own turbine block at Bhopal. When I met the design engineers then didn't see any computer around,I was curious about this not having computer which by that time has become necessary tool in India. When i asked their chief about it then he gave a tolerant smile to me and said tapping his head, "all data stored here ! "
Curiously our guide Alexendrov who was an  accomplished engineer with 7 patents under his belt was not carrying any laptop.
Then I remembered their famous Grandmaster like Karpov, Spassky etc could out maneuver many,to me it appeared each of those engineers were having Karpov or Spassky like quality of storing data in mind.
Our stay in Kiev was eventful, we had visited a tram manufacturing factory known as Tatra Yug. They organized a special tram ride for us to take round of the city.
In both the countries I met hardworking intelligent engineers of both sex.
Yesterday when I heard that a dam in Ukraine has been bombarded by Russian and caused flooding.
I felt sad  and frustrated. This mindless war must end, I feel for those civilians of both the countries.


Sabyasachi Chowdhury said...

Sir, well articulated recollections of almost 5 decades. You too have special memory cells like Kasparov and your other Russian friends. 👏

विजय जोशी said...

Your experience of Russia is just wonderful. Enjoyed entire article.
But their action of bombarding a dam, which took away so many lives is a condemnable crime

G G Subhedar said...

Excellent read. Kharkhiv had a top notch hydro turbine design facility. Extensive research in Kaplan turbine used to be done. Huge library of runner profiles. Russia has a large installation of Kaplan units. After disintegration, it was a big loss. Their experts were virtually jobless. One of them got a contract assignment in MANIT, Bhopal at a ridiculous low salary. He left in a few months. Didn't stay longer. In that brief period, our turbine designers were able to get invaluable design inputs from him.
I feel very very sad to this conflict, thrust upon them...

samaranand's take said...

Thanks Sabysachi,Vijay and Subhedhar for your observations.